Absent sitters
Absent Sitters was an online performance which ran over 5 evening during October 2020 and part of the York Medial international media arts festival. Described as a digitally abstracted online audio-visual experience, the live streamed 20 minuet performance art accessed via Zoom was limited to 100 participants and was sold out.
https://ianjcole.medium.com/is-staying-in-the-new-going-out-absent-sitters-review-9707b2f0b23f https://yorkmediale.com/events/absent-sitters https://xrstories.co.uk/project/absent-sitters-electronic-musicians/ -
York Mediale -
Nature of Content
Music, Immersive, Theatre -
Distribution Mechanism
Video conferencing software - Zoom -
Monetisation Strategy
Unknown -
Geographic Area
York, UK